Latest news

Part of chronic illness is managing others’ responses to it. In the sense that lots of people want to know what’s happening and I can’t possibly update everyone individually. So I have resorted to mass emails. Here’s tonight’s.


Dear Friends and Colleagues Near and Far,

I’m writing with another brief cancer update.

Today was a big medical day. In the morning I had a PET scan, which is a whole body scan where they look for cells that take up radioactive material (which was injected into me). On first glance at the scan, the only area that appears to be abnormally lit up (brains, hearts, livers, etc usually light up) is the remaining part of my thyroid. But we need a proper report, which will be another week or two. Late this afternoon, I met with my surgeon and my endocrinologist (who also serves as an oncologist). They both suggested that I hold off on surgery for now while we assess some things. They are also referring me for what is essentially a third opinion. There is also apparently some (very slim) possibility that my right vocal nerve might start working again if it is still there. I’m not holding out for that one but of course it would be nice.

To an observer, the moving surgery dates and all might sound maddening. But given the risks posed by another surgery (especially to my voice), I am 100% in favor of a cautious approach. So for now it’s more appointments, more consultations and possibly more tests. And Synthroid.

As always, my apologies for not writing back to everyone. I’m finding it hard to keep up with email, but I’m hopeful that in the coming weeks I can catch up.

More news here as it happens.

My Radioactive Best,